Well, I've been putting off this post for awhile now. But it's time to just jump out and do it. The reason I have this blog is for Audrey to have a record of her life. And my sweet little Auds, a pretty big life change just happened to you. Your mommy and daddy decided to separate and divorce. For one reason and one reason only. We are not IN love with each other. We love each other a lot, and love you COMPLETELY, but we do not have a bond to each other to keep us married. I hope one day you understand. Your dad and I are still very close and are YOUR parents. We have one purpose in life and that is to raise you. And we plan to do that together the best we can. We are still a family, just a different version of what we were. Still full of love, fun, kisses, hugs, learning, and did I say LOVE?!!!!!
So, all of you blog followers, this is where we are now. Audrey and I have moved out of our beautiful home into another beautiful, love-filled home. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we continue on this new phase of our lives. Here is a picture of our new house: