Audrey, here are some words I would use to describe you at this stage in your life:
- INDEPENDENT! Holy cow do you want to do things on your own. One of your favorite phrases is "No, I do it!!!" said in a very very independent tone. ;) You want to do everything on your own, which is scary and a bit time consuming.
- Smart. Oh my goodness are you smart. I know that every parent says this about their child (I've witnessed it) but I really believe you are above average in your intellectual ability. As soon as we moved into the new house, you walked up the stairs and said "12!" Grammy and I couldn't believe that yes, you counted the 12 stairs correctly, in your head. You can count to 20 in English and Spanish and you have awesome 1 to 1 counting. You actually *know* what 8 means. We are so proud of you!
- Social. You want nothing else than to be around your friends and other kiddos. You don't care if they're 2 or 10, you just want to play! I love how you just run up to a new friend and want to play. I hope you always keep this open mind and outgoing spirit.
- Artistic. You get this from your Daddy. Your favorite thing to do is color and paint and you can sit for up to 45 minutes doing either. You woke up at 6:45 this morning yelling "I need to color!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And you got right to it:
Things you are into right now are: Princesses, coloring, painting, Cars!, Dora and Diego still a bit, playing in your kitchen, and then coloring some more! You also love to swim and dance.
Happy 2 1/2 Birthday Auds!!!!! :) We love you!!
Where has the time gone? Audrey is 2 1/2 going on 5!! Yesterday I said to Audrey "have fun at school tomorrow" and she replied "thanks"!!
I love you sweet pea:-)
she is a prodigy!!
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