I'm stealing this idea from Carolyn because it's an easy way to list a few new things Audrey has been up to!
1. I can sit up on my own!!! I can sit up from laying on my belly and from my back. It's especially fun to sit up in my crib and move the baby monitor camera away from the crib so Mommy and Daddy can't spy on me anymore! Well, it was fun until Daddy lowered my crib!
2. I can CRAWL! Yes people, I am an official mover and shaker. I can crawl from my toys on one side of the room all the way to my changing table on the other side of the room and pull out all of my diapers in 10 seconds flat! Yesterday I crawled from my play mat in the living room over to the tv stand and pulled out all of the dvd's while Mommy left the room for 2 minutes. Who knows what I'll get into next!
3. I am eating all sorts of new foods. I had a real banana the other day and tonight I'm going to try turkey!
4. I love to express myself through yelling. I made Mommy and Daddy and all the other people in the restaurant laugh hysterically today while I was telling them how excited I was to sit in a highchair. So many nice ladies came up to smile at me. :)
5. I've been wearing my helmet for 4 weeks now and have just a few weeks left!!
6. I have a new friend, Caroline, who comes over at least twice a week to play while Mommy watches her. She is 8 weeks old and super cute.
7. I also get to go on walks with my Aunt Heather and friend Bridgette a lot. It's so fun!
8. My Daddy makes me laugh we he makes funny faces at me.
9. My Mommy makes me laugh when she sticks her tongue out at me.
10. Next Saturday my Daddy and I will share a birthday. I'll be 7 months and he's turning 30. I can't believe he's so OLD!! I can't wait for his birthday party. Happy Early Birthday Daddy!