I've been feeling a little burnt out lately at work (Spring Break is less than 2 weeks away!) with so much going on, and I've been feeling a little burnt out at Mommyhood as well. At work, everything is just piling up. Conferences, meetings, Open House, ESL certification (which called for 2 back to back all day Saturday trainings!), and general student behavior has just got me at my wit's end. It's just that time of year where the students and teachers are ready for a break. And at home our streak of no tantrums in over a month has now completely changed to at least 2 tantrums a day. We have a tantrum almost daily leaving school (she doesn't want to leave) and then something goes wrong at home. So instead of playing with Audrey and having fun everyday after school, I've been doing a lot more disciplining and talking with her about her behavior and it's consequences. Super fun!
BUT . . . today I feel like I got my mojo back. I think it's the weather. I had the windows open all weekend and it just got me feeling in a better mood. Today at school I was ON. I haven't been this "on" in a long time. Every single one of my lessons came together and I felt that my students and I were in sync. Not ONE behavior problem today either. Hmmm . . .maybe those two go hand in hand?! I had a great lunch with good conversation in the teacher's lounge, and then after school I got a chance to help out one of my teammates. She teaches the after school program, but couldn't today, so I offered to cover for her. It was FUN. Extra money and reading fun books with my 1st graders? Yay!
And then I picked up Auds, and she was so happy to see me. She started to have a tantrum on the way out, but I actually was able to diffuse it by letting her know we wouldn't be playing outside when we got home if she continued to argue with me. She stopped! Score.
Then we got home and played outside for awhile and it was so nice. The weather was perfect and I got to chase Audrey all around on her scooter. She was laughing and saying how funny I was. :) Best feeling ever! I wish I got in on film.
After we came inside, Audrey watched a cartoon while I actually, wait for it, talked on the phone with a friend for almost a half hour!!! It was SOOO nice to catch up with a friend I hadn't chatted with for a while.
Then I made a healthy dinner and Audrey actually ATE.HER.CARROTS people. Seriously. Now she's playing nicely upstairs, well singing actually . . .
1 comment:
I am so happy that you both had a great day and I agree that things go hand in hand!!! Good and bad things just feed off each other!! Audrey loves you so much and I know you are happy that she loves Whistle Stop and does not want to leave. I remember days when Aunt MaryJo took care of you and you cried and did not want to go home with me.
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