So as you know, blogspot is NOT my favorite website. It takes me forever and day to post 2 pictures and a sentence in the correct order! ;) So yesterday's Best Weekend Ever double post made me so proud! I can do it! I can become a Mommy Blogger like and quit my job and make all of my money by just blogging! But alas, not so much. As I read through the post I noticed typos, too many spaces, and not any explanation on who that new guy was in the pictures! I tried for FOREVER to edit the post, and decided I better just log off before I through my shoe at the computer screen.
Soooo . . . . . sorry for the typos, spaces, and unexplained pictures. Let me fix that in a new post! (Because that's the only way I know how!) My Uncle Mike came to visit this weekend, which only added to the Best Weekend Ever! He's such fun guy and I always love seeing him. But he and his family live in Pennsylvania, so that doesn't happen very often. This was his first time meeting Audrey and they hit it off! It was great to see him. And he and my wonderful Aunt Pam gave Audrey a gift to go buy toys, clothes, or whatever she needed! So of course Mommy hit up Old Navy (Audrey does not need one single new toy in our little house!!). They were having an awesome sale, so not only did Audrey get some adorable clothes, so did Mommy, and our new little friend down the street who is 2 months old. (Who can pass up an adorable onesie?) Thanks Uncle Mike for coming to visit and thank you for the very generous gift!
Our loot! Whoop!

And just for fun, here's a cute art project Auds did at school a month ago. Love it! :)

Now I'm off to make dinner, so no time to spell check or check for errors. So if there are any, lo siento! ;) (That's for Bethie, Ster, and Kristen. What's up Senora Kirk!)