Have I mentioned that I love love love Audrey's Daycare? They are just fantastic and I swear every single employee there knows her name (and not b/c she's the naughty one!!) and greets her every morning. So not only do they truly love my child, but they plan the most fun events for every holiday. On Friday they are having a 4th of July Parade. Each kid will ride in the parade, wear fun sparkly headbands, and these super cute t-shirts that the teachers made for each child. They used their fingerprints to make the American flag. It is too cute! In addition to the parade there will be face painting, games, and snacks. I don't know who's more excited, me or Auds!
Here is her cute t-shirt (front)


To add to our cute 4th of July outfits, Katie picked up this adorable dress for Auds at Old Navy after they were out of them at the one near me. Love it!
And when I saw this little onesie I just had to buy it for our newest baby on the Shire, Jackson. He will be just too cute in it! (ok, so I've overused the words "cute", "adorable", and "precious" in this post. Comments with synonyms to these words would be appreciated!)

Get ready for parade pics coming soon!!!! :)
Way to cute, precious and adorable!!!
I love your blog & all your posts - I read every single one!! Keep up the great work, we all enjoy it. :)
Sending you guys lots of love this weekend!
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