Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Book Rec

Since I can't figure out how to post pictures on here now, I might as well tell you about my new favorite book that I'm reading.  It's called "Confessions of a Scary Mommy, an Honest and Irreverent Look at Motherhood- The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly."  It's by Jill Smokler.

I can't put this book down.  First of all, for those who truely know me, you know I am always trying to figure this mommy thing out.  Am I playing with her enough?  Disciplining properly? Etc, Etc.  And it alway seems like everyone else has it all together and no one likes to complain about mommy issues.  I won't name any names.  ;)  But this book just keeps it real and tells it like it is.  Each chapter starts off with anonymous moms telling their confessions like:  "I confess that most days I have no idea what I'm doing."  and " I tried for 7 years to get pregnant and now I wonder if it's worth it." 

It's hard to read at times, but so true.  Motherhood is HARD.  But it's also the best thing ever.  And what's better than knowing that everyone is struggling right along with you?  :) I recommend it for all Mommies!


Gerri said...

It sounds like a great and honest book!

Hilary said...

I MUST get this book ASAP! Thanks for keeping it real, momma!