Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Too Much Fun!

Auds is seriously having too much fun this summer.  I'm going out tomorrow to buy her a sticker chart for good behavior.  That will be a whole other post tomorrow!  ;)  But for now, here she is having fun swimming with Grandpa!  :)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

I Finally Gave In

So I finally painted Auds' fingers and toes.  It's something I swore I wouldn't do until she was until at least in Kindergarten, but all of her friends at school have painted nails and she has been asking for the the past month.  So, yes, I took her to the mall, to Claire's, where I went to get my ears' pierced at 13, and we painted her nails.  I have to admit, it was super fun and she was so excited.  She actually sat and waited for them to dry.  Here she is, showing that she can't believe it actually happened!  But I WILL remain adamant about no ear piercing until at least 12 years old.  Just you watch!  ;)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Day in the Life of a Princess

Just the normal day to day at the mall . . .

Picking out her first nail polish!!!

Ready for her playdate with her main man Cade

A Princess and her Prince!  (I couldn't resist!)

The mall had an Olympic themed day for kids and look, even Princesses can represent at the Olympics!

Hmm, how can tomorrow top today?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Uncle Eric's Trip in Pictures

Audrey loves her Uncle Eric more than almost me or James.  She could not WAIT for him to come visit and swim with her.  And swim they did!  :)

Even at 6:30 in the morning, she's still the sweetest!

So Auds decided to get up at 6:30 on this lovely Saturday morning.  I admit, I was a little cranky about it.  But then she climbed in my bed and gave me a big hug and said, I kid you not "Mama, I REALLY like your new lamps in your room.  They look so nice."  Seriously?  How can you not love that.

Here she is relaxing watching her cartoon while I have some Diet Coke to wake me up!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

It's All Worth It

This child has been FEISTY the past few days.  Nothing appeases her, unless it's her Uncle Eric of course.  I actually had to give her a spanking this morning for mouthing off.  I'm not sure who it hurt more.

But just look at this little bearby.  It's all worth it.  I love you Audrey.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Quick Preview of Uncle Eric's Trip

If Audrey wasn't excited enough about Uncle Eric's visit, he bought her a TANGLED doll!  She is in heaven and carries "Baby Tangled" everywhere.  :)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Trip to Tyler

You know you have a special friend when you haven't seen them for almost exactly a year, but when you finally do get together it's like you've been hanging out every day?  That's how it is with my friend Kristen.  We've been bff's and not such bff's on an off since 1st Grade.  ;)  I love her and her family dearly.  It's jut hard to get to see her because she lives in Indianapolis and I'm here in Dallas.  But she came to visit her family in Tyler this week so Auds and I took the opportunity to drive down for the day and hang out with Kristen and her son Tripp, who just turned one, and of course enjoy the lake.  Her parents have THE most beautiful house on the lake.  It's amazing.  Here's Auds getting her bearing being on the boat for the first time . . . .

Here is the worst picture EVER of me that I am posting b/c it's cute of Audrey.  She loved sitting at the front of the boat.  :)

Audrey also loved feeding bread to the duckies.  She was a bit obsessed with it.
 And here's Auntie Kristen letting Auds read to her and Tripp.
It was such a good trip and I'm so glad we went.  Auds was SOOOOO good in the car even without a DVD player.  She was content just looking at the scenery.  But most of all I was so happy to spend time Kristen.  You know I love you dearly and I can't wait to see you again!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Perfect Summer Days

So to kick off this best ever summer day, Audrey slept until . . .wait for it . . .  8:45 am!  This has never happened.  Ever.  It was amazing and has set a new standard for sleeping in the Adams' House.

Then it was time to head to the gym and I had a great workout and Auds had a lot of fun playing in the Kids' Klub.  Then we came home and played tea party, Audrey helped me fold laundry, and then we had lunch.  After lunch Auds wanted to watch Little Bill, so I said ok but after that it was nap time.  15 minutes later I heard her turn the tv off and walk upstairs.  I waited a minute and then peeked in her room and she was covered up, ready to doze off.  Nicely done my friend!

After nap time it was pool time, woo-hoo!  

After swimming who doesn't enjoy some ice cream au natural?

Then Grammy came over to play and check out the new bike,  fun fun!!

After that we took Audrey to her favorite restaurant, "The Jello Restaurant"  aka Spring Creek BBQ.

Aah, jello, way to complete the day.

It was really a wonderful day.  I'm sure she'll wake up at 5:45 tomorrow morning and won't want to play, but today made it all worth it!

Friday, July 6, 2012

I did it, on my own!

Okay, so I realize that this is NOT a big deal to most people, but I bought my own lamps, got the right lightbulbs, and set them up!!!  I absolutely love them.  I've been looking for awhile now for the perfect bedside lamps to replace the too lowlight ones I had, and finally found these at Lowe's, at 9pm, on Friday night.  But nothing could make me prouder.  I did it by myself!  And I love how they look!!  (Yes, I know something needs to go above the bed, that's my next project.)

I put one of the old bedside lamps in the office and it works PERFECTLY.  It's just the right light for me to be working out here (who am I kidding, checking facebook) while Audrey sleeps.

And here is my finished wall of crosses.  No, it's not a sideways wall, I just took the pic quickly.  ;)  I absolutely love how it looks.  It inspires me daily.
I never would have thought that I would be able to decorate a house by myself before, but you know what, I think I'm doing pretty good so far!!!  :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Please Pray For Lucy

I came upon this courageous girl's story through Kelly's blog.  Please, pray for her and her family.


4th of July Parade

So this was is it, my very first moment as a Mommy when I had to miss something REALLY important.  I've always found a way to get to Muffins for Mom, The Thanksgiving Feast, etc, but this year I just couldn't make Audrey's 4th of July Parade.  It was THE very last day of summer school.  Any other day and I would have taken off.  I was really heartbroken and felt like I failed her, but I also feel so lucky that James and Grammy got to go.  I was especially sad because Audrey has grown so much since last year's 4th of July parade.  Last year she wouldn't even look at us, or anyone for that matter.  She kept her head down and was near tears the entire time.  This year I got texts from James, my mom, and Katie that Audrey did awesome and loved being in the parade.  Here she is "leading" her group . . .

Making the rounds . . .

One of my most favorite pictures ever of Auds.  Katie sent me this pic of Audrey and Sara after the parade. They have a real friendship and real conversations.  It's amazing.  I love them both!

Hanging with friends and posing for pictures after the parade . . .

Being a working Mom is hard.  My mom told me that when she ran up to get Audrey's picture after the parade, Audrey immediately asked, "Where's Mama?"  My mom explained that I was at work but would see all of the pictures.  And when I picked Audrey up from school that day the very first words out of her mouth were, Mommy, please be at my parade next time.  Wow.  Heavy words from a 3 year old.  All I can do is look at the positive and know that she is ALWAYS surrounded by people who love her, even if Mommy isn't there.  Which I think will be a lesson that will serve her well in life.  She is a lucky girl and I hope she grows to appreciate our country and become an independent lady!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Some Days I Really Think I Could Do This Whole Stay at Mom Thing. . .

Day 1 of the "Real" Summer Vacation and I think I have a handle on this gig.

Dressed before Auds got up, check.

Load of laundry, check.

Many rounds of tea with Audrey and Cinderella, check.

AND I made a hot breakfast with fruit and she's ENJOYING it.  Now it's just toast with jelly, you know me, keeping it real.  ;)

*but it did help that Audrey slept til almost 8am which almost NEVER happens, and it's only 9am.  Check back with me in a few hours.  :)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Can We Please Get a Little Cool Air Up In Here?

Oh my goodness.  What a few weeks.  Last week our a/c went out.  We are renting right now, so I called my landlord and he got someone to come fix it.  Problem solved, right?  Well last Friday night after we were coming home from a lateish dinner for us after swim lessons with friends, we came home to our fire alarm beeping.  Now being a single woman who has only lived alone for a year now, I of course called my mom for help!!  She tried to change the batteries out, etc, to get it to stop beeping.  No dice.  So I called on my very nice neighbor, and very friendly older man who I figured could fix it.  Nope.  He tried everything, and eventually just disassembled it and told me he would e-mail my landlord the name of the electrician they had to use to fix their smoke alarm.  Great.  So hopefully we won't need that smoke alarm, because we haven't heard from that electrician!!

And then yesterday, the a/c went out.  AGAIN.  The day after we spent the all day in the sun swimming at Jack Carter Pool.  I was feeling like I had heat stroke.  Oh my goodness y'all, I felt so weak.  My good friend Hilary even offered to have Audrey come over to spend the night.  (And she has two kids under the age of 3!)  Greatest friend ever! I talked with my landlord and he said someone would be here this morning.  (Sunday)  So Auds and I ended up staying at my dad's house last night and are now home WAITING on the a/c guy.  Hello buddy, it's summer in TX.  We're HOT!!!  And I have a babysitter coming over this afternoon so I can grab a late lunch with some friends.  He BEST be finished by then.  I don't get out too often!  Wish us luck!  ;)