Saturday, January 28, 2012

Audrey's 3rd Birthday

Audrey is 3! I can't believe she's actually that old! This was definitely our best and (easiest) birthday party for Audrey yet. We have always done parties at home, and while they were fun, they were also stressful. Having to clean the house, prepare food for adults and kiddos, create activities to entertain everyone, and did I mention the cleaning?!

So this year we opted to do Audrey's party at ASI Gymnastics. She had been to a few parties there and loved it, so I knew it would be fun for all of the kids. But it was even better than I imagined! We brought all of the decorations, snacks, cupcakes, etc, but the minute we got there the staff insisted on taking everything off of our hands and said they would set everything up and serve everyone! Now that's how I like to host a party! ;)

The birthday girl

Listening to the instructors . . .they were all so in to it!

Sliding down the slide

This is my favorite picture from the weekend. This is Audrey with her BFF Sara, and they are just hilarious together. I swear they have their own language that only the two of them can understand. They are both VERY opinionated and know what they want. I'm not sure what is happening in this picture but I think it has something to do with Sara telling Aunt Amanda what she wants Audrey to play with next and Auds is all "No, let's go play over there next!"

Auds leading the group . . .

Wells is such a big boy!!!

Play time . . .

Blowing out the candles with the help of a friend . . . :)

Snack Time!

Hangin with Auntie Amanda after the party . . .

Hey everyone, I'm THREE now!!

It was such a fun day and Audrey can't stop talking about it. Happy Birthday my love!

Audrey's 3rd Birthday, Part 2

That's right, part 2. I had Part 1 all up and ready to post, but stupid has shut that window down TWO times now. So I will try that part again tomorrow.

So let's start this blog post AFTER the super fun party that Audrey had at ASI Gymnastics. More about that later.

Because even more importantly, Audrey's 3rd birthday was call for her to get her Big.Girl.Bed!!! So exciting. Now, truth be told she had been sleeping in Mommy's bed since we moved, and it was time for her to go back to her room. We had been talking up her big girl bed for the past month, and let her pick out her own princess bedding. She was SO excited.

James and Eric setting up the new bed . . .
I wish I had the super cute picture of her sleeping in it to share, but again shut me down. But so far, so good! Audrey has slept in her new room for over a week now and LOVES her new bed. Win win for everyone!! :)

This birthday she was also very interested in the presents . . .

and she got some AWESOME ones. Thank you to everyone who knows her so well and got her so many PERFECT gifts. She loves all of the play doh, Dora, and princess stuff. Let's just say she is never bored!

The day after her party was Audrey's actual birthday. It was so funny when I woke her up that day and sang Happy Birthday to her again, and she was all "No Mama, my birfday was yesterday, it's over!" Then when I explained how today was her real birthday she couldn't believe it!

Birthday donuts. . .

Playing with Grammy . . .

For lunch we asked Audrey where she wanted to go and she immediately replied "McDonald's!" So, that's where we went. But we went in style. Auds demanded that she and I both where our crowns. Why not?

Playing with Uncle Eric . . .

Happy Meal!

Ice Cream with Aunt Amanda

and the fun didn't end there. After everyone left, James and I took her to see Beauty and the Beast at the theater. She loooooves Belle, but hadn't seen the movie yet. It was fun to watch it with her, but she was a little scared. That Beast can be a little scary!

It really was a wonderful birthday weekend. Audrey was so excited and in to it and it just made me realize how fast she is growing up. As everyone knows, I wasn't a fan of the baby stage and couldn't wait for the toddler one, but now that it's here and flying by us, I have this need to slow things down and keep Audrey where she is. She'll be in Kindergarten before we know it!

Happy 3rd Birthday to my favorite little Sassypants! :)

Wait, here's her super cute photo in her new bed. So sweet! (blogger sometimes randomly places my photos!)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

3 Year Interview

Thanks Kristin for this great idea! :)

Here is what's going on in Audrey's world these days . . .
Favorite Color: pink!! (she will only wear something if it's pink!)
Favorite Animal: fish
Best friend: Sara
Favorite Food: chicken nuggets
Favorite Tv show: Dora
Favorite Toy: "my babies"
Favorite Movie: Tangled
Favorite Drink: milk
Favorite Restaurant: The Hamby Store (that's what she calls Wendy's!)
Favorite place to go: The Hamby Store!
Favorite Game to play: blocks
Silliest thing daddy does: The Bear Clock (he holds her upside down and pretends she's a clock)
Silliest thing Mommy does: the computer (um, maybe I'm on it too much?!)

We have her party today and actual birthday tomorrow . . .pics to come!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

And here comes Year 3 . . . (or Lord, please help me!)

Okay, so we were "those" people in Chili's today. James and I used to mock those parents whose children were having tantrums in public places. I remember us saying that would NEVER happen to us, and we would always leave the restaurant/store before our child ever screamed.

Right. Until today. It took us almost 3 years to be put in our place. Audrey has always liked restaurants, I mean, she is my child, so she has always been appeased by bread or chips while waiting for our food. We were headed out to Firewheel for lunch and to do some last minute birthday shopping for Auds. (and by last minute, I mean everything. We had to buy her big girl bed, bedding, party outfit and party favors). It was going to be a long day of shopping. Well the minute we walked into the Chili's she fell on the floor and SCREAMED. I picked her up, like oh I've got this, just show her the booth and she'll be cool. NO. She screamed even louder there. Everyone was staring. So I picked her up, walked her to the bathrooms, and had a Mommy to daughter talk with her. She continued to scream and try to climb the walls, while also trying to dart out in the aisles in front of the waiters. This called for my backup plan. The spanking. I told her if she continued to scream and yell, she would get a spanking. She kept on and tried to dart out into the restaurant again. So I pulled her back in and gave her the dreaded spanking, which I swear makes me feel worse than her. She wouldn't calm down. Luckily James came back then and took over. They were at the restrooms for almost 10 minutes, and I don't know what words of Daddy wisdom he used, but she came back to the table and acted like my normal Audrey. Eating chips and salsa and laughing. She then proceeded to be an angel through a whole afternoon of shopping. I know she is testing me, but oh my goodness. We'll see if we make it to four! Any mommies of 3 year olds out there, any advice would be appreciated. ;)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Last Week of Being 2 . . .

and I just can't believe it! Audrey is feeling a little under the weather this morning, so she's being extra cuddly and wanting to be held, something she doesn't do much of anymore. It makes me realize how old she is becoming. I cannot wrap my head around the fact that I gave birth to her almost THREE years ago. It feels like she has always been here, yet the time has flown by. I know that every year is big and full of milestones, but this year just feels full of big BIG ones. Like my personal fave, becoming fully POTTY TRAINED!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I get a whoop for that one? Now that happened fast and I truly take no credit for it. It's all her teachers at school. Once they asked her to go on the potty and her friends started doing it, she was all over it. It was pretty easy. She had a few accidents here and there and I had a few moments of panic (like at the Shrek Ice exhibit where there were NO bathrooms in the tour and I was sure she would have an accident and we wouldn't make it out in time, but nope, she did fine!) but once she decided to do it, she was potty trained. Which led to my not so sad goodbye to the diaper bag. I got to carry a real purse again this year! It was a little weird to leave the house the first few times without the diaper bag, pullups, wipes, etc, but I am so used to it now. ;)

I also feel like Audrey really came into her own as a person this year. She has her best friends that she plays with at school and talks about all of the time, her favorite things to do (play with her babies, color, and style mommy's hair), favorite foods (chicken nuggets, quesidillas, hamburgers, fruit, yogurt, meatballs and gravy) and foods she won't eat just yet, but hopefully will one day b/c mommy loves them (pizza, spaghetti, eggs, and well, this list is just to long to type out ;) ) and just all around OPINIONS. Girl is strong willed that's for sure. I love love love her strong personality and know that it will get her very far in life, but geez, she won't give up without a fight on things she doesn't want to do.

She is also smart (I know every parents says that!) and can count, identify letter sounds, rhyme, and remember every little detail. Just now I handed her a Christmas card for her to color on the back of, and she said "Look! It's December Audrey!" So cute.

Everyone keeps telling me that the "Terrible Two's" were nothing and that the "Trying Three's" will kick my butt and I'm sure they will. But it's worth it for my little (big girl) Auds!!