Friday, July 5, 2013

More 4th of July Fun

So we've reached a milestone in our house.  Audrey has *finally* learned the art of sleeping in.  It's taken her 4 years, but I think she's finally gotten it!  We got home after 11 last night and I was curious as to how Audrey would sleep in this morning.  I am happy to report that it is 9:45 and she is STILL SLEEPING!!  Can I just say again, this has never happened?!  

We had such a blast celebrating the 4th with Hilary and Cade last night.  I got so many great pictures that I just have to share a few.  And this is just some of the pictures I got!

Happy 4th of July!

Who's excited to see the fireworks?

Sweet, sweet friends.  They seriously melt my heart.

Let me just add that when Hilary is around, I do not exist.  Audrey thinks that Hilary hung the moon.  At first I was a little bitter ;), but then I realized how lucky I am to have such a sweet friend who loves Audrey so much and who Audrey adores.  But it did sting just a smidge when Hilary asked Audrey to pose for a picture with me and she would not do it!  But the minute I said say cheese with Hilary, this is what I got:

But back to the cuties:

We parked in our church parking lot for the fireworks, and snuck inside to use the bathroom.  They were having some sort of concert going on and Audrey and Cade just started dancing.  It was hysterical.

We have our glow sticks and are ready for the fireworks!

This was the first time Audrey has seen fireworks, and she was just amazed by them.  She kept sitting there, staring at the sky, and saying to me "This is the first time I've ever seen this!"

This was a day to remember.  :)


Hilary said...

You got some seriously cute pictures!! That was the playdate o' the year, friend! I had so much fun. I love Audrey, she is so sweet and smart and drop dead cute. We are blessed to have you two in our lives!

Gerri said...

Sweet, sweet, sweet!! Audrey and Cade are so cute together. You and and Audrey had a wonderful 4th of July. You are both blessed with wonderful friends! Now Audrey is ready to stay awake for the fireworks at Magic Kingdom :-D

N said...

Yes Gerri I was thinking the same thing. She will love that!!

I am so proud of my granddaughter sleeping in!!!! :)

garyn said...

Those are really cute pictures.
Sounds like it was a wonderful playdate.