This Halloween was just too much fun. It was just a whirlwind and I felt like it went by too fast. We were so lucky that Aunt Amanda and Uncle Rick made it into town for the festivies and of course, Grammy was there too (but I don't have any pictures of her.) Auds was SOOOOO excited to about everything she could hardly stand it. Auntie Moo, Uncle Rick, Rapunzel costume, presents from Grammy, candy, AND I get to go to Sara's house??!! It was hilarious!
Here she is with her Aunt Amanda showing off some toys.

And here is why she loves Uncle Rick so much, he's just a big kid!

Trying to get a pose with princess Mommy . .

More fun with Auntie Moo

Now off to Sara's house for a pre-ToTing dinner - pizza of course!!!

Let's go!!

The daddies took the girls around the neighborhoods while Katie, Amanda, Rick, and I stayed home and just hung out.

Checking out the loot!!!! The best part!

What's better than spending Halloween with your best friend? It was a great night! Thank you Katie and Steve for having us!
Awww! It was a fantastic Halloween!!
Audrey was sooo happy, and I'm so glad she got to spend it with Sara! :) :)
What a fun, fun day for Audrey!!! Great pictures.
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